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Void-finding and measurement routines.

apply_watershed(field, markers=None, mask_threshold=0.0, merge_threshold=0.2, verbose=True)

Apply a watershed algorithm to find voids in a given field.

Candidate void regions are found using the skimage.segmentation.watershed method. They are then merged together into a reduced set of voids using a graph-based region merging methods, skimage.future.graph.rag_mean_color and cut_threshold.


Name Type Description Default
field array_like

3D field to apply the watershed algorithm to. This will be normalised to produce a density contrast, so that f = field / mean(field) - 1.

markers int

Number of initial seeds of regions to place before running the watershed algorithm. The seeds are placed in local minima of the field. The final number of regions will be less than this number.

mask_threshold float

Mask (exclude) all regions with density contrast f above this value. This is intended to exclude higher-density regions that are not allowed to form part of a void.

merge_threshold float

Similarity threshold (in terms of mean density) to use to decide whether to merge neighbouring regions. Larger values allow less similar regions to merge.



Type Description
region_lbls (array_like)

Array with same shape as field with integer label for each voxel. A value of 0 denotes a voxel that is not part of any void.

Source code in fastbox/
def apply_watershed(field, markers=None, mask_threshold=0., merge_threshold=0.2, 
    Apply a watershed algorithm to find voids in a given field.

    Candidate void regions are found using the `skimage.segmentation.watershed` 
    method. They are then merged together into a reduced set of voids using a 
    graph-based region merging methods, `skimage.future.graph.rag_mean_color` 
    and `cut_threshold`.

        field (array_like):
            3D field to apply the watershed algorithm to. This will be normalised 
            to produce a density contrast, so that `f = field / mean(field) - 1`.

        markers (int, optional):
            Number of initial seeds of regions to place before running the 
            watershed algorithm. The seeds are placed in local minima of the field. 
            The final number of regions will be less than this number. 

        mask_threshold (float, optional):
            Mask (exclude) all regions with density contrast `f` above this value. 
            This is intended to exclude higher-density regions that are not allowed 
            to form part of a void.

        merge_threshold (float, optional):
            Similarity threshold (in terms of mean density) to use to decide 
            whether to merge neighbouring regions. Larger values allow less similar 
            regions to merge.

        region_lbls (array_like):
            Array with same shape as `field` with integer label for each voxel. A 
            value of 0 denotes a voxel that is not part of any void.
    # Normalise field to get density contrast
    if np.mean(field) == 0.:
        f = field / np.mean(field) - 1.
        f = field

    # Mask-out high-density regions
    mask = np.ones_like(f, dtype=np.bool)
    mask[np.where(f > mask_threshold)] = False

    # Apply watershed algorithm
    if verbose:
        print("Running watershed algorithm")
    t0 = time.time()
    region_lbls = watershed(f, markers=markers, mask=mask)
    if verbose:
        print("Watershed took %2.2f sec" % (time.time() - t0))
        print("No. regions:", np.unique(region_lbls).size)

    # Use a graph-based region merging algorithm
    t0 = time.time()
    if verbose:
        print("Running merging algorithm")
    g = graph.rag_mean_color(f, region_lbls, connectivity=1, sigma=2)
    region_lbls_new = graph.cut_threshold(region_lbls, g, merge_threshold)
    if verbose:
        print("Merging took %2.2f sec" % (time.time() - t0))
        print("No. regions after merging:", np.unique(region_lbls_new).size)

    return region_lbls_new

stack_voids(void_cat, void_labels, box, field, centroid_kind='density', grid_scale=1.0, grid_pix=31)

Stack the value of a field over a set of void regions. The voids are centred and scaled by their radius before stacking, so the field values are interpolated onto a standard grid before stacking.

Masked arrays are used to compute the average value in each grid voxel. Since the voids have irregular shapes, not all voids contribute to all grid voxels, i.e. the number of values contributing to the average in each voxel varies between voxels.


Name Type Description Default
void_cat array_like

Array of integer labels of void regions to stack.

void_labels array_like of int

Cube of integer labels for each voxel in the simulation box. Voxels with the same label have been determined to belong to the same void.

box CosmoBox object

Object containing metadata about the simulation box.

field array_like

3D field to be stacked. This should usually be the density contrast field, delta.

centroid_kind str

Which type of centroid to calculate (see void_centroid() for options).

grid_scale float

Bounds of the grid that the radius-normalised voids are interpolated onto, given by [-grid_scale, +grid_scale].

grid_pix int

Number of grid pixels in each dimension.



Type Description
stacked_voids (array_like), failures (list)

Grid of stacked field values and list of void IDs where stacking failed.

  • stacked_voids (array_like): Grid of field values, averaged over all (stacked) voids.

  • failures (list): List of void IDs that could not be interpolated onto a grid.

Source code in fastbox/
def stack_voids(void_cat, void_labels, box, field, centroid_kind='density', 
                grid_scale=1., grid_pix=31):
    Stack the value of a field over a set of void regions. The voids are 
    centred and scaled by their radius before stacking, so the field values are 
    interpolated onto a standard grid before stacking.

    Masked arrays are used to compute the average value in each grid voxel. 
    Since the voids have irregular shapes, not all voids contribute to all grid 
    voxels, i.e. the number of values contributing to the average in each voxel 
    varies between voxels.

        void_cat (array_like):
            Array of integer labels of void regions to stack.

        void_labels (array_like of int):
            Cube of integer labels for each voxel in the simulation box. Voxels 
            with the same label have been determined to belong to the same void. 

        box (CosmoBox object):
            Object containing metadata about the simulation box.

        field (array_like):
            3D field to be stacked. This should usually be the density contrast 
            field, delta.

        centroid_kind (str, optional):
            Which type of centroid to calculate (see ``void_centroid()`` for 

        grid_scale (float, optional):
            Bounds of the grid that the radius-normalised voids are interpolated 
            onto, given by [-grid_scale, +grid_scale].

        grid_pix (int, optional):
            Number of grid pixels in each dimension.

        stacked_voids (array_like), failures (list): Grid of stacked field values 
            and list of void IDs where stacking failed.

        - ``stacked_voids (array_like)``: Grid of field values, averaged over all (stacked) voids.

        - ``failures (list)``: List of void IDs that could not be interpolated onto a grid.
    # Compute void centroids
    centroids = void_centroid(void_cat=void_cat, void_labels=void_labels, 
                              box=box, field=field, kind='uniform')

    # Compute void radii
    radii = void_radii(void_cat=void_cat, void_labels=void_labels, box=box)

    # Define grid to interpolate onto
    grid = np.linspace(-grid_scale, grid_scale, grid_pix)
    grid_x, grid_y, grid_z = np.meshgrid(grid, grid, grid)

    # Empty grid for summing
    void_grid_list = []

    # Loop over voids in void_cat
    failures = []
    for lbl in void_cat:

        # Get voxels belonging to this void
        idxs = np.where(void_labels == lbl)
        x_idx, y_idx, z_idx = idxs

        # Coordinates with respect to void centre, normalised by void radius
        _x = (box.x[x_idx] - centroids[lbl][0]) / radii[lbl]
        _y = (box.y[y_idx] - centroids[lbl][1]) / radii[lbl]
        _z = (box.z[z_idx] - centroids[lbl][2]) / radii[lbl]

            # Interpolate onto grid
            void_grid = scipy.interpolate.griddata(np.column_stack((_x,_y,_z)), 
            void_grid = void_grid.reshape(grid_x.shape)

        # Mask invalid values
        void_grid =

    # Calculate the mean over all voids
    void_grid_arr =
    void_grid_mean =, axis=0)
    return void_grid_mean, failures

trim_by_volume(void_labels, nmin, nmax)

Remove labels for voids that have too few/too many voxels.


Name Type Description Default
void_labels array_like of int

Cube of integer labels for each voxel in the simulation box. Voxels with the same label have been determined to belong to the same void.

nmin, nmax (int

Minimum and maximum number of voxels allowed per void. Voids with a number of voxels outside this range will be discarded.



Type Description
void_cat (array_like)

Array of integer labels of void regions that pass the cut.

Source code in fastbox/
def trim_by_volume(void_labels, nmin, nmax):
    """Remove labels for voids that have too few/too many voxels.

        void_labels (array_like of int):
            Cube of integer labels for each voxel in the simulation box. Voxels 
            with the same label have been determined to belong to the same void.

        nmin, nmax (int):
            Minimum and maximum number of voxels allowed per void. Voids with a 
            number of voxels outside this range will be discarded.

        void_cat (array_like):
            Array of integer labels of void regions that pass the cut.
    # Unique labels
    unique, counts = np.unique(void_labels, return_counts=True)

    # Trim labels that do not match the criteria
    return unique[np.logical_and(counts >= nmin, counts <= nmax)]

void_centroid(void_cat, void_labels, box, field=None, kind='uniform')

Get the centroid coordinates of voids, using a choice of several methods.


Name Type Description Default
void_cat array_like

Array of integer labels of void regions to calculate centroids for.

void_labels array_like of int

Cube of integer labels for each voxel in the simulation box. Voxels with the same label have been determined to belong to the same void.

box CosmoBox object

Object containing metadata about the simulation box.

field array_like

3D field used as weight for some kinds of centroid calculation method. This should usually be the density contrast field, delta.

kind str

What kind of centroid to calculate. Options are:

  • uniform: Uniform-weighted centroid (all voxels in region included).

  • minimum: Density minimum of each region. Set field = delta.

  • density: Density-weighted centroid (overdensities are ignored). Set field = delta.



Type Description
centroids (array_like)

Array of shape (Nvoids, 3), containing the position vector (in box comoving coordinates) of the centroid of each void.

Source code in fastbox/
def void_centroid(void_cat, void_labels, box, field=None, kind='uniform'):
    Get the centroid coordinates of voids, using a choice of several methods.

        void_cat (array_like):
            Array of integer labels of void regions to calculate centroids for.

        void_labels (array_like of int):
            Cube of integer labels for each voxel in the simulation box. Voxels 
            with the same label have been determined to belong to the same void. 

        box (CosmoBox object):
            Object containing metadata about the simulation box.

        field (array_like, optional):
            3D field used as weight for some kinds of centroid calculation method. 
            This should usually be the density contrast field, delta.

        kind (str, optional):
            What kind of centroid to calculate. Options are:

            - ``uniform``: Uniform-weighted centroid (all voxels in region included).

            - ``minimum``: Density minimum of each region. Set `field = delta`.

            - ``density``: Density-weighted centroid (overdensities are ignored). 
                          Set `field = delta`.

        centroids (array_like):
            Array of shape (Nvoids, 3), containing the position vector (in box 
            comoving coordinates) of the centroid of each void.
    void_labels_int = void_labels.astype(
    unique_lbls = void_cat.astype(

    # Loop over voids and find centroid
    centroids = {}
    for i, lbl in enumerate(unique_lbls):

        # Find voxels that belong to this region
        ix, iy, iz = idxs = np.where(void_labels_int == lbl)

        # If centroid kind defined as minimum point
        if kind == 'minimum':
            ii = np.argmin(field[idxs]) # index of minimum in idxs array
            centroids[lbl] = np.array([box.x[ix[ii]],

        # Determine weights (should be normalised to sum(w) = 1)
        if kind == 'uniform':
            w = 1. / ix.size

        elif kind == 'density':
            # Weights must be positive
            w = field[idxs].flatten()
            w *= -1. # Flip sign so underdensities have +ve weight
            w[w < 0.] = 0. # set overdensities to zero
            w /= np.sum(w)
            raise ValueError("Centroid kind '%s' not recognised." % weights)

        # Weighted centre of mass (just the mean of each component if weights are equal)
        centroids[lbl] = np.array([np.sum(w * box.x[ix]), 
                                   np.sum(w * box.y[iy]), 
                                   np.sum(w * box.z[iz])])
    return centroids    

void_radii(void_cat, void_labels, box)

Calculate void radii, using a simple volume metric.


Name Type Description Default
void_cat array_like

Array of integer labels of void regions to calculate radii for.

void_labels array_like of int

Cube of integer labels for each voxel in the simulation box. Voxels with the same label have been determined to belong to the same void.

box CosmoBox object

Object containing metadata about the simulation box.



Type Description
radii (dict)

Dictionary of void IDs (key) and radii (value), for each void in void_cat. The radii are in Mpc (same units as box.x).

Source code in fastbox/
def void_radii(void_cat, void_labels, box):
    Calculate void radii, using a simple volume metric.

        void_cat (array_like):
            Array of integer labels of void regions to calculate radii for.

        void_labels (array_like of int):
            Cube of integer labels for each voxel in the simulation box. Voxels 
            with the same label have been determined to belong to the same void. 

        box (CosmoBox object):
            Object containing metadata about the simulation box.

        radii (dict):
            Dictionary of void IDs (key) and radii (value), for each void in 
            void_cat. The radii are in Mpc (same units as ``box.x``).
    # Voxel volume
    dx = box.x[1] - box.x[0]
    dy = box.y[1] - box.y[0]
    dz = box.z[1] - box.z[0]
    dV = dx * dy * dz # comoving voxel size

    # Find radius of each void in the catalogue
    void_rad = {}
    for lbl in void_cat:
        ncells = np.where(void_labels == lbl)[0].size
        void_rad[lbl] = (3. * dV * ncells / (4.*np.pi))**(1./3.)
    return void_rad