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Data analysis

grid_catalogue(x, y, z, w=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, zlim=None, nx=None, ny=None, nz=None)

Bin a catalogue of 3D positions onto a regular grid.


Name Type Description Default
x, y, z (array_like

3D positions of objects.

w array_like

Weight assigned to each object. Can be None.

xlim, ylim, zlim (tuple

Tuples of the minimum and maximum coordinate values of the grid in each dimension, e.g. (xmin, xmax). If not specified, the ranges of the data will be used.

nx, ny, nz (int

Number of grid cells in each direction.

Source code in fastbox/
def grid_catalogue(
    x, y, z, w=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, zlim=None, nx=None, ny=None, nz=None
    Bin a catalogue of 3D positions onto a regular grid.

        x, y, z (array_like):
            3D positions of objects.
        w (array_like):
            Weight assigned to each object. Can be `None`.
        xlim, ylim, zlim (tuple):
            Tuples of the minimum and maximum coordinate values of the grid in
            each dimension, e.g. `(xmin, xmax)`. If not specified, the ranges
            of the data will be used.
        nx, ny, nz (int):
            Number of grid cells in each direction.
    assert (
        (nx is not None) and (ny is not None) and (nz is not None)
    ), "nx, ny, and nz must be specified."

    # Get ranges
    if xlim is None:
        xlim = (np.min(x), np.max(x))
    if ylim is None:
        ylim = (np.min(y), np.max(y))
    if zlim is None:
        zlim = (np.min(z), np.max(z))
    xmin, xmax = xlim
    ymin, ymax = ylim
    zmin, zmax = zlim

    # Define grid
    xgrid = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nx)  # bin centres
    ygrid = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, ny)
    zgrid = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, nz)

    # Grid catalogue
    grid, _ = np.histogramdd(
        np.vstack([x, y, z]).T,
        bins=(nx, ny, nz),
        range=[(xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax), (zmin, zmax)],
    return grid, (xgrid, ygrid, zgrid)

interpolate_onto_grid(field, coords_orig, coords_new)

Interpolate a 3D field onto a grid with a different pixel/channel spacing.

NOTE: The input set of coordinates should be in ascending order.


Name Type Description Default
field array_like

3D array of data.

coords_orig tuple

Tuple of coordinates of the original grid, in the order (x, y, z), corresponding to field axes (0, 1, 2).

coords_new tuple

Tuple of coordinates of the new grid, in the order (x, y, z), corresponding to field axes (0, 1, 2).



Type Description
field_new (array_like)

3D array of data interpolated onto new grid shape.

Source code in fastbox/
def interpolate_onto_grid(field, coords_orig, coords_new):
    Interpolate a 3D field onto a grid with a different pixel/channel spacing.

    NOTE: The input set of coordinates should be in ascending order.

        field (array_like):
            3D array of data.
        coords_orig (tuple):
            Tuple of coordinates of the original grid, in the order (x, y, z),
            corresponding to field axes (0, 1, 2).
        coords_new (tuple):
            Tuple of coordinates of the new grid, in the order (x, y, z),
            corresponding to field axes (0, 1, 2).

        field_new (array_like):
            3D array of data interpolated onto new grid shape.
    # Extract original and new coordinates
    x, y, z = coords_orig
    x_new, y_new, z_new = coords_new

    # Replace NaN values in data
    field_nonan = replace_nan_with_channel_mean(field)

    # Construct interpolator for data
    # (Each array in coords_orig has to be ascending order)
    interp = scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator(
        (x, y, z), field_nonan, method="linear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.nan

    # Build new grid with chosen resolution
    x3d, y3d, z3d = np.meshgrid(x_new, y_new, z_new)
    pts = np.array([x3d.flatten(), y3d.flatten(), z3d.flatten()])

    # Interpolate onto new fine grid
    field_new = interp(pts.T).reshape(x3d.shape)
    return field_new


Replace NaN values in a datacube with the mean of the non-NaN values in each channel (frequency slice).


Name Type Description Default
field array_like

3D datacube. The -1 axis will be assumed to be the frequency direction.



Type Description
field_replaced (array_like)

3D datacube with NaN values replaced.

Source code in fastbox/
def replace_nan_with_channel_mean(field):
    Replace NaN values in a datacube with the mean of the non-NaN values in
    each channel (frequency slice).

        field (array_like):
            3D datacube. The -1 axis will be assumed to be the frequency

        field_replaced (array_like):
            3D datacube with NaN values replaced.
    # Work on a copy
    field_repl = field.copy().reshape((-1, field.shape[-1]))

    # Loop over frequency channels
    for j in range(field_repl.shape[-1]):
        idxs = np.isnan(field_repl[:, j])  # idxs of NaN values
        avg = np.mean(field_repl[~idxs, j])

        field_repl[idxs, j] = avg
    return field_repl.reshape(field.shape)